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Public Works Commissioner and OMB Director Sworn Into Office

May 2, 2018

ST. CROIX, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Nelson Petty Jr. has been officially sworn in as Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Department of Public Works and Julio A. Rhymer Sr. as Director of the VI Office of Management and Budget. At a Government House ceremony on Tuesday, the Honorable Maria M. Cabret, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands administered the oath of office.

Governor Kenneth E. Mapp emphasized the important role Commissioner Petty and Director Rhymer will play in rebuilding the infrastructure of the Territory.

“This is a great time to be in public service in the Virgin Islands,” Governor Mapp said. “It’s going to take a lot of hours and you’ll have to make tough decisions. The federal government has approved billions of dollars for our recovery and I am excited that two capable leaders will be part of that process."

Commissioner Petty says that he is grateful for the many experiences he has already had during his appointment.

“I took the job (as Commissioner Designee) two weeks before two Category 5 hurricanes hit,” he said. “And even with that, I wouldn’t change it. It’s been a tremendous learning experience – it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to improve our infrastructure.”

After receiving his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Commissioner Petty began his career at the Department of Public Works. He has held numerous positions over the last two decades, including Construction Program Manager, working as a lead engineer for all federally funded highway projects.

Prior to his appointment, Director Rhymer was the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA). He joined WAPA as Chief Financial Officer in 2012 and was CFO of the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority before taking his position at WAPA. Director Rhymer holds a Master’s degree in Accounting and Financial Management and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Sustainability Management.