ST. CROIX, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS - Governor Kenneth E. Mapp extended Mother’s Day greetings to the women of the Territory, highlighting “the special place in all our hearts for the women who gave birth to us, and mothered us through childhood and beyond.”
The Governor noted that even women who might not have had children themselves, have helped rear new generations as caring sisters, aunts, godparents, educators and more.
“As we reflect on the passage and aftermath of the September storms of 2017, we also recognize the vital services from countless mothers, in both public and private arenas, who despite suffering severe losses in their personal lives, responded to the Territory’s need for service and assistance and performed their duties with devotion and distinction,” he noted.
“These persons are truly modern-day heroines and a major reason why our recovery is on track and why brighter days lie ahead for our beloved Virgin Islands,” Governor Mapp said.
“We have been through a lot of hardship together these past months and so there’s no better time to reflect with love, gratitude, nostalgia and fondness for mothers who are sadly departed, and with deep appreciation for the blessing of still having mothers in our lives. I still cherish Mrs. Vashti Mapp’s existence each and every day that I live,” the Chief Executive said.
“May God bless every mother and all those who stand in for them across our beloved islands. It is my sincere wish that you have a wonderful and love-filled Mother’s Day,” Governor Mapp concluded.