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Preparedness Tip of the Week - Always Be Ready for an Emergency

November 14, 2018

Three more weeks remain in the 2018 Hurricane Season. We must continue to prepare for emergencies. Disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, floods and terrorism can happen at any time, without notice. Here are some tips to ensure you and your family remain prepared.

Be Informed

  • Visit this website and to learn more about how you, your family and friends can prepare and protect yourself.
  • To receive real-time notifications on emergencies impacting the U.S. Virgin Islands, register for Alert VI here today!

Make and Practice Your Plan

  • Ensure children, elderly, pets and those with access and functional needs are included in your plans.
  • Establish emergency contacts outside the territory; provide contact information to children.
  • Regularly rehearse your disaster plans; this could reduce anxiety and strengthen resilience.

Save for an Emergency

  • Collect supplies to create an emergency kit. Supplies can include non-perishable food, water and medical supplies for up to 10 days.
  • Put aside funds to be used in the event of an emergency.
  • Scan, save and upload critical documents (i.e., birth certificate, Social Security cards, insurance policies) to secured email or cloud for access during an emergency.
> Download the Disaster Preparation Tip - Always Be Ready for an Emergency in PDF format