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Newsletter: St. Croix Long Term Recovery Group/VOAD

January 15, 2019

Table of Contents


The St. Croix Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG) is a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within St. Croix to assist individuals and families as they recover from Hurricane Maria.

The goal of the LTRG is to match recovery resources with community needs in order to ensure that even the most vulnerable in the community recover from the disaster.


Next LTRG Meeting is Jan. 17th at 6:00pm

We will meet at the St. Croix Christian Church

This will be our first full meeting in 2019! Our focus at this meeting will be on planning our Membership Drive (postponed from the original Jan. 20th date). Our hope is that you will bring your ideas on what this event can look like, those we should invite, and any other thoughts you have to energize our community around the work of the LTRG.

If you cannot attend in person but still want to be a part of the conversation, please contact Jay Rollins at to discuss call-in options.

We Are Still Hiring!

> Executive Director for Community Engagement

This is a full-time, temporary position for a minimum of 24 months. This position will oversee the daily operations of the LTRG and five of its working committees (Disaster Case Management, Administration, Wellness, Youth, and Advocacy). This position will engage in the cultivation of our membership base of NGOs, local, regional and federal agency partners. The EDCE will also be responsible for the development and organization of our quantitative and qualitative data. That data will be used for community engagement, local funding and to create an archival history for future study and possible publication.

> Download the job description for the Executive Director for Community Engagement vacant from here

Interested applicants should submit resumes and cover letters, along with three letters of reference to or mail them to: Jay Rollins, Executive Director of Regional and National Relationship, STX LTRG, 1022 King Street, Christiansted,VI 00820. Application deadline is January 11, 2019

Psychological First Aid Training - January 14

Wellness Committee Hosts Event Featuring Dr. Migdalia Brathwaite

The event will be held on January 14 from 9:00 am- 3:00 pm at the Frederiksted Baptist Church. For more information or to register, please contact Wellness Committee Chair Lori Edwards at 

Psychological First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid - January 14 & 15

Island Therapy Solutions Offers Training (Attend either day)

Mental Health First Aid

Through this certification course, you will become a mental health first aider. We will teach you how to respond to someone with a mental health challenge. Challenges that include depression, suicide, substance abuse, eating disorder and panic attacks –to name a few. You will learn the signs, evidence-based actions and how to connect those in crisis to support systems that can help them recover.

More information or to register contact: KEILA MEDINA @ 340-719-7007

You can download the flyer here.

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes

The Prize will Begin Accepting Applications on January 7, 2019

Deadline: April 15, 2019

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes celebrates inspiring, public-spirited young people from diverse backgrounds all across North America.

Established in 2001 by author T.A. Barron, the Barron Prize honors outstanding young leaders the ages of 8 and 18 who have had a significant positive impact on people, their communities, and the environment. Each year, up to twenty winners each receive $10,000 to support their service work or higher education. Since its inception, the Barron Prize has awarded more than half a million dollars to hundreds of young leaders and has won the support of the National Geographic Education Foundation, Girl Scouts of the USA, and the National Youth Leadership Council, among other organizations.

The Barron Prize welcomes applications from public-spirited young people who are between the ages of 8 and 18; a permanent resident of and currently residing in the United States or Canada; currently working on an inspiring service project or have done so within the past twelve months; and working as an individual. The Barron Prize does not accept applications from large groups of young people.

For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the Barron Prize website:

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Committee Meetings

  • Youth Committee: Jan. 10th, 5:30 pm. Contact Xawntoia Franklin at
  • Disaster Case Management: Jan. 11th, 1:00 pm. Contact Karen Hunt at

If your committee is not listed, please check with your committee chair.

LTRG Membership Drive

The Executive Committee has voted to postpone this event to late February or early March. Please come to the next LTRG meeting on Jan. 17th to help us brainstorm!

Volunteers Needed for The Point in Time Count

The Point in Time count is held every two years in every state and U.S. territory. The count is held on January 25th, and the data is used to streamline monies and services for the homeless population. Unfortunately, our counts have not been accurate due to low numbers of volunteers. As we know, homelessness affects all of us, in every walk of life. In addition, the number’s collected could be of use for FEMA in regards to data collection on housing sustainability and the structural integrity of existing buildings. Our intent is to canvas all neighborhoods to make an assessment of those living in sub-standard housing as well – many individuals do not realize that due to their living conditions, they also fall under a category of homelessness.

For more information contact Scott Hensley at