National Preparedness Month is recognized each September to promote family and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the year. The 2019 theme is "Prepared, Not Scared" with a different theme each week (as described in above pic, and below).
- Week 1: Sept 1-7
Save Early for Disaster Costs
- Week 2: Sept 8-14
Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters
- Week 3: Sept 15-21
Teach Youth to Prpare for Disasters
- Week 4: Sept 22-30
Get Involved in Your Community's Preparedness
Last week, the following posts were made on our social media pages, providing residents with additional information and resources:
- Keep some cash on hand in case of emergencies, since ATMs and credit card readers won’t always be available. Cash can help pay for immediate expenses like lodging, food and gas. Learn more:
- Most homeowners’ and renters’ insurance does not cover flood damage. Learn more about flood insurance at
- Plan ahead: how will you pay your bills if a disaster strikes? #PrepareNow
with the help of these tips and free resources:
Residents are encouraged to join in on the discussions and take action. Feel free to share this information.