Welcome to the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA).
VITEMA is the territorial agency with the primary responsibility for ensuring the territory's resilience to disasters.
VITEMA’s staff of professional planners, communications specialists, logisticians, operations managers and
support personnel is committed to an all hazards approach to emergency management.
By building and sustaining effective partnerships with federal, state and local government agencies, and with the
private sector - individuals, families, non-profits and businesses - VITEMA ensures the Territory’s ability to
rapidly recover from large and small disasters by assessing and mitigating hazards, enhancing preparedness,
ensuring effective response, and building the capacity to recover.
Emergency management is a shared responsibility: government cannot effectively build
resilience to disasters by itself.
Individuals, families and communities must work to mitigate risks, prepare themselves and their
communities for disasters, build local relationships and partnerships that will help government agencies
respond to, and care for those impacted by disasters, and develop the capacity for short-term and long-term
recovery from disasters.
> Director's Office