
The components of VITEMA include preparedness, operations, grant management, administration and finance, and logistics.

Planning & Preparedness

The Planning & Preparedness division develops and exercises the Territorial Emergency Operations Plan (TEOP), as well as monitors its implementation.

The division identifies critical areas in the community and recommends priorities for addressing gaps. It accomplishes this through hazard mitigation, training, exercises and public education to reduce the loss of life and property.


The Operations division coordinates emergency response and recovery while maintaining a manageable span of control of available resources to promote restoration to normalcy.

The division is also responsible for managing operations directed toward reducing hazards prior to, during and after an emergency incident, for saving lives and property, establishing situation control during emergency incidents and for restoring pre-disaster conditions through public and individual assistance programs.

The Operations division monitors performance by systematically reducing the percent of discrepancies (gaps) identified during exercises held each year and by increasing the percent of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) training standards met.

Grants Management

Grant applications and awards are reviewed and monitored by the Grants Management unit to ensure compliance with all administrative requirements, costs principles, and grant terms and conditions.

This division also prepares the grant budget plan, draws funds and files all financial and programmatic reports to ensure compliance.

To ensure performance the division closely monitors its federal grants and ensures full compliance with grant requirements and conditions.

Administration and Finance

The Administration and Finance division monitors appropriations and expenditures to ensure that all laws, rules and regulations are followed, including accurate recording of employee time and attendance.

Close coordination with all divisions for reconciliation between operational and financial documents to ensure accountability.

To continually improve performance the percent of all processed local fund records reconciled within ten (10) days of month end closing will be tracked along with the number of internal business days necessary to process vendor payments in order to continually reduce and minimize processing time.


The Logistics division provides all support needs for VITEMA.

Support includes communication, transportation, IT Services, facilities and equipment maintenance on a day-to-day basis, as well as during emergency incident operations.